Meeting between students and deans of the Faculty of Foreign Language Teacher Education (27/6/2020)

Implementing the 2019-2020 academic year plan on student affaires and assurance of educational qualities of the university , on, 27th June 2020 a meeting took place between students and deans of Faculty of Foreign Language Teacher Education (FFLTE) – University of Foreign Language Studies, University of Danang (UFLS, UD). Attending the program, from the faculty, were Dr. Le Thi Giao Chi, Dean of FFLTE, Head of the Division of English; Mrs.. Nguyen Pham Thanh Uyen, M.A., Deputy Head of FFLTE; Mrs. Nguyen Huu Tam Thu, M.A., Deputy Head of FFLTE, Head of the Division of French; Dr. Nguyen Truc Thuyen, head of the Division of Chinese. In addition, there were the participation of the faculty’s academic advisers, and the students of the FFLTE, UFLS, UD.
Board of Deans of Foreign Languages Teacher Education Faculty
In the first part of the program, the final year students, who are interns of elementary schools and high schools in Da Nang city, shared their sincere thoughts and ambitions as future teachers. Also, a lot of questions were posed to the deans of faculty during the teaching practicum.
Because the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the overall economy of the country, as well as the practice of social distancing somewhat exerted an impact on the rate of learning progress of students in general, as well as their internships of final year students in particular. Some students have expressed that they wish to exercise a lot of teaching methods they have learned at university, but due to involuntary reasons, they found it difficult to apply everything. However, it can be seen that students of Faculty of Language Teacher Education have received a lot of knowledge, skills, attitudes to ready to become passionate teachers in the field of education.
Summary of internship activities
In the second part, on behalf of students of Faculty of Language Teacher Education, Le Ngoc Bao Trang read all questions from students in all cohorts, at the same time expressed students’ gratitude from the bottom of their hearts to lecturers while studying at the Faculty. Many students desire to study abroad and continue their postgraduate studies. Understanding their ambitions,  the lecturers are ready to provide them guidance to studying abroad, international  opportunities, and scholarship programmes of English, French, Chinese so as to develop students’ skills as well as foster students’ competence. The dialogue took place successfully with the directed speech of Ph. D Le Thi Giao Chi.
Although we had overcome such a complicated year like 2020, but I still see that our students still express their desires and aspirations on their learning path. The Faculty will also continue to enhance our programs so that the generation of students can come to university to study, participate in a variety of activities, so that upon graduation, we become useful people for the community, meeting the requirements of the labor market. As a teacher as well as the head of the Faculty, I would like to express my best wishes, wish you always be good students who try hard to promote your strengths, continue learning and strive for greater achievements. However, we do not learn to become robots, we must also learn by “the soul”, we must open our hearts and be ready to share with each other, so that we can deserve to the title  “teacher”.

Through this dialogue, teachers and students of the Faculty of Foreign Language Teacher Education have understood each other better, and since then, they have tried to perform the tasks of learning and teaching together, creating a friendly and positive learning environment between students from the Faculty of Foreign Language Teacher Education as well as students of University of Foreign Languages Studies – The University of Danang.
Some other photos of the meeting:


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